Qin Na Dui Da/Chin Na

(Capture/Seize Two Man Fighting Form)

The following are pages taken from the booklet on Shao Lin Chuan – Chin Na Dui Da/Qin Na Dui Da. This page is part of the preface and gives the backgound of the two man form. The Chin Na Dui Da form is a two man set with six different roads.

  • Chin – (locking) the movement of joints against their normal range of motion.
  • Na – (seizing) of the vital pints disrupting or blocking the energy flow.

Chin Na Principles

  1. based on joint structure
  2. blood vessel network
  3. acupuncture meridians (chi meridians)

Applied Chin Na utilizes

  1. strikes to and seizing of vital points
  2. tendon grabbing
  3. blood vessel grabbing
  4. joint locks

Chin Na has 4 main branches or components

  1. kicking
  2. striking
  3. throwing
  4. locking


  1. axial skeleton (head, vertebrae, ribs, pelvis)
  2. appendicular skeleton (arms, forearms, wrist, hand, fingers, leg, lower leg, ankle, foot.)

Joints can withstand the pressure of compression, flexion, extension much better than forces of rotation, therefore Chin Na techniques twist the joints to cause greater pain and injury.

Joint types

  1. Immovable – fibrous and cartilaginous
  2. Movable – have joint space filled with synovial fluid, cartilaginous ends and are freely movable but held in place by ligaments. Chin Na injure ligaments.

Types of movable joints

  1. Ball and socket (shoulder)
  2. hinge (elbow)
  3. saddle (thumb)
  4. ellipsoid and gliding (wrist)
  5. and pivotal (neck)

Movable joints are traversed by blood vessels and nerves, and if twisted in the right fashion will interrupt the integrity of these structures causing additional pain and injury.

  • Coupling motion – refers to the locking of a joint making that limb a lever for the next joint.
  • Reactive motion – refers to the resultant motion or action caused in response to the locking of a joint.
  • Golden Silk Entwines the Wrist – in an anchored wrist grab the fingers are force over the wrist and down. This is countered by upward piercing of the divine lock.